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We of the Pacific Eagles do Adhere to USGA/SCGA Standards and Golf Courses Local Rules. However, for the sake of Fairness, Harmony, Speeding Up the Game and keeping the Spirit of Fun and Friendship in the Game, In-House Rules were Adopted as follows:

  1. Practice sportsmanship and common sense when it comes to rules. Don't be suspicious like a rule gestapo. Correct each other's mistakes we must, but tactfully with no further comments.  Sportsmanship is consideration and goodwill towards fellow players in any competitions. 

  2. Reporting your fellow player/s for violations, slow play or any issues, should be the last resort.  Reporting without confronting or saying anything to the offender looks tattletale.  Correct the situation yourself and within your respective group.  If appropriate, impose penalty or if guilty, accept the penalty.  If unable to resolve the issue within your level, then reporting is a must and must be submitted in writing to the TD in charge of the tournament.

  3. Show up at the golf course at least 30 min before tee time.  Otherwise disqualification or at least 2 strokes penalty for tardiness and in particular, when your group have teed off.

  4. Keep up with the pace of play or 2 strokes penalty for each player when your group fell 2 holes behind or causing a back log of groups waiting behind.

  5. We are expected to win fairly in tournaments by following the rules of the game.  However, we are human prone to mistakes and correction by playmates is in order.  For fairness sake to all competitors, each group must always consist of no less than 3 competing members. 

  6. Each group will use one (1) official scorecard (OSC) and one (1) local scorecard (LSC) to serve as backup, and for matching scores between OSC and LSC scorecards.  But only the OSC will be submitted after each game and TD to accept only the OSC.  Players are responsible for the accuracy of their own scores in the OSC.  Once scores from OSC are recorded and tournament result is release, any complaints will not be entertained unless mistake were made in inputting scores in the computer.  A photo copy of the OSC is the only acceptable reference in contesting scores and never the LSC.

  7. Stop playing after reaching maximum strokes of 8, 10 or 12 on par 3, 4 or 5 respectively.

  8. Putt Through and No Gimmes in all Sanction Tournaments.

  9. Ball pick up, clean and drop either free or under penalty, need at least one witness.

  10. If your ball has landed on a bald spot, mud or other than grass on the fairway and on the fringe around the putting green, free relief, clean and drop on the grass away from the flagpole as far as necessary.  However, ball must be played as it lies on divot and unpaved cart path.  Relief on other Abnormal Course Conditions e.g., Ground Under Repair, visit link: 

  11. Lost Balls and Out of Bounds:

    • If a player can't find his/her ball, it is considered Lost or Out of Bound. The player is Not Allowed to go back to the original position of the ball and must make a drop on the adjacent spot of the intended fairway per USGA rule for 2 strokes penalty.

    • If your ball ended up in questionable areas after hitting from the tee or approach shots, you have the option to hit a provisionary ball prior to moving out for a stroke penalty.

  12. Do Not pick up balls that doesn't belong to you. If the ball in question belongs to a fellow player, point where the ball is.  Otherwise, it will be 2 strokes penalty to the offender.

  13. Ball inside the Bunker:

    • If the whole bunker is unplayable, free drop outside but no closer to the pin.

    • If part of the bunker is unplayable, free drop in playable part of the bunker.

    • After 3 unsuccessful attempts to get the ball out of the bunker, a player must pick up the ball and drop laterally as far as necessary for a stroke penalty.

    • As a courtesy to other players, always rake your foot prints and somebody else.

  14. The club has adopted the Golf Rules 2019 Changes and guidelines to improve the pace of play. To learn more, click below link:

  15. As a matter of consideration to the golf course, staffs, players and others:

    • Fill in your divots, fix ball marks on the greens and after the round, remove liters from your cart before turning it in.  In the club house, cut down the noise if there are other people around and before leaving the area, clean up after yourself and someone else.

    • Avoid Late Cancellations and specially No Shows for reasons as explained on the link

At the end of the day, good or bad game, win or lose, be thankful for having the means and health to play golf with friends.  To learn more, enjoy the following video presentations. 


1. 14 Golf Etiquette You're Probably Breaking

2. Golf Stereotypes and Improper Behavior

3. 6 Unsexiest Things on the Golf Course

(Click anywhere below page or double click to enter full screen mode)

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